
Thank you for finding us. We would like to take care of your request, so please send us a short message with a description or give us a call. We are happy to handle your project entirely in English, as we have many years of experience with international projects. We look forward to your inquiry.

DJ Service Agency Hamburg, Berlin, Sylt, Mallorca & Ibiza
Best DJ's and event technology for
weddings, company parties, trade fairs and upscale events!


DJ Service Agency Hamburg, Berlin, Sylt, Mallorca & Ibiza - your reliable premium partner for weddings, company celebrations, parties, events, trade fairs, Christmas parties, New Year's Eve galas and the appropriate event technology. We specialise in private and business customers and are cooperation partners of international agencies, restaurants, hotels and corporations - operating throughout Europe. We attach great importance to providing optimum and personalised support for all our events - whether for 20 or 5,000 guests. We therefore communicate intensively with our customers in advance and a personal and non-binding meeting is also part of our philosophy. In addition to our services as DJs, we have a lot more in store for you, namely the extensive experience we have gained at so many events over the years. We are happy to incorporate this into our support and have even developed our own solutions to help you achieve greater sustainability with your guests or customers.

Plan your event with us and benefit from our experience - success can be planned. Simply celebrate better!

Get in touch with us | 040 - 69 69 13 31

Your best celebration is just a click away! And the best thing is, we'll take care of the rest!

Fill out this form if you need more information. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
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Kontakt Adresse

DJ Service Agentur

Holsteinischer Kamp 12
D-22081 Hamburg

Telefon: 040 69 69 13 31

Mobil: 0172 400 99 69


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